Ultimate Flash Sonic is a Super Hero Games game on GameYOP.com - Ultimate Flash Sonic is another online version of the classic PC platform game: Sonic. Your target in this game is to Grab as many rings as you can on your way to battle the old foe Dr. Robotnic - Use space bar and arrow keys to control the game. Have fun.:)
All copyrights and trademarks of this game are held by owners and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law. If you believe we violating your copyrights, please advise us at support(at)gameyop.com in order that we can solve the problems.
All copyrights and trademarks of this game are held by owners and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law. If you believe we violating your copyrights, please advise us at support(at)gameyop.com in order that we can solve the problems.